Monday, January 31, 2011

Milligan on 5 Ronin

Last week, CBR ran an interview with Peter Milligan in regards to the upcoming 5 Ronin. Like the previous interview about the Red Lanterns book, there wasn't a whole lot of new information to be gleaned.

I don't know if it's just me, but Milligan does seem like he's more invested in this story than in the Red Lanterns series. Perhaps part of it is because this is a finite story? It also sounds like he isn't worried about an editor jumping in the middle of the story and effing everything up.

Each issue focuses on one character, with all of their lives "linked, woven together by something or someone they're not immediately aware of." It sounds like there's some good potential for Milligan to write about one of his pet themes, identity.

CBR also ran a few sample pages of art. It's looking pretty good so far.

If I had to guess, I'd say this is a page by Goran Parlov

You can read the full interview for yourself here:

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